I'm a designer who loves to create and learn something cool in the meantime.

I moved to the UK from Budapest, Hungary in 2019, and now I’m based in Sheffield and loving the life here!

Throughout my career, I’ve had the pleasure of working with many inspiring and creative people who taught me so much. As a digital designer I’ve also got to work with a variety of clients ranging from small sized startups and business to large companies with high ambitions. I love challenging myself and cracking a code, so my best clients are the ones with big, complex, and unique ideas.

I design responsive websites and mobile applications, but thanks to a great network of creative freelancers that I’ve been working with for years, we can take care of your project from start to finish. During our working process, we ask a lot of questions and keep our clients in the loop – we believe in working together. 

Outside of work I love travelling, sipping coffee with a good book at a coffee shop (or cider in a pub) and making my home more cosy. I also love taking photos, chilling with my family and having a nice summer bbq party with my friends – what a life! 

Let's work together!

Drop me a message to start something great or to say hello!

What I can do for you
What my freelancer friends can do for you

Let's work together!

Drop me a message to start something great or to say hello!